ACEL AS won important contracts with Ulstein Power & Control AS!

ACEL AS proudly announce winning important contracts for the delivery of main switchboards to Ulstein Power and Control AS for two Construction Service Operation Vessels (CSOVs) for Olympic to be built at Ulstein Verft.

The contracts include the delivery of main switchboards for 690V, 440V, 230V and shore connection for the offshore wind vessels, as well as the emergency switchboards. ACEL will deliver state of the art switchboards that will work seamlessly with Ulstein Power & Control's
power system.

Marius Granlien, responsible for Project Sales in ACEL, express that they are very happy to be the supplier of the switchboards for the Construction Service Operation Vessels; “It is an honor to be part of the building of these vessels, and it is also an important milestone for ACEL to get this significant contract within the offshore wind segment. This is aligned with our vision on making positive environmental changes within the offshore wind energy market. We are also humble to win such important contracts for Ulstein Power and Control, a company well known as an important contributor in the marine industry,” says Marius Granlien.

Low energy consumption
The two Construction Service Operation Vessels contracted by Olympic, have hybrid battery propulsion and are prepared for methanol fuel to enable zero emissions. They are based on the ULSTEIN SX222 design with TWIN X-STERN from Ulstein Design & Solutions AS.
“The fact that Olympic has contracted these vessels, is admirable as well as important for the offshore industry. They have contracted a smart concept optimized for low energy consumption, and we applaud them for choosing local businesses for the delivery of important systems. We are proud to be a part of the delivery. ACEL AS is looking forward to delivering the switchboards for the CSOVs, and want to thank Ulstein Power and Control AS for the contracts,” says Marius Granlien.


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ACEL Group har hatt en omfattende ombygging på Centurion del Atlantico for det argentinske rederiet Estremar S.A.U. Båten er ombygd ved Westcon Florø og ble overlevert 25. juni.

ACEL Group med datterselskap Haf Power Solutions (HAF) og ACEL AS er stolte av å kunngjøre en vellykket fullføring av et omfattende levetidsforlengelsen på fabrikktråleren Centurion Del Atlantico for det argentinske rederiet Estremar S.A.U. Fartøyet som opprinnelig er bygget i 1986 har gjennomgått betydelige oppgraderinger for å forbedre sin miljøytelse og operasjonelle effektivitet.

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ACEL Group kunngjør sterke økonomiske resultater og forventer kraftig vekst i årene som kommer.

ACEL Group rapporterer en omsetning i 2023 på 342,7 MNOK og en EBITDA på 32,6 MNOK.

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